2/14/07 8:00 p.m.

Happy Valentine's Day to all you lovebirds out there! Josh and I had a great little celebration in our room with mood lighting and an amazing dinner provided by some girls from the church. It was great and so nice to do something that felt normal. They even brought Josh a tux jacket and tie and me a tiara and we were excited to take a few pics, but no luck. Our camera has mysteriously disappeared. Oh well.

Josh had a great day today. He got good sleep last night (thanks for praying!) and woke up a little tired but with a ton of energy. When I arrived around ten this morning he had a smile on his face and was ready to hit the gym. He worked extremely hard all day, even requesting an extra half-hour of PT (thanks Kristy!) because he felt so good.  When Josh gets the sleep his body so badly needs, his spirits are so much better. You see a genuine smile on his face and he is much more talkative. 

As I already said, Josh worked hard in the gym. We have not seen any major changes in his ability to move other parts of his body, but the areas he does have use of are strengthening quickly. He is encouraged by this but is still not settling for this much movement. We continue to plead with God to heal Josh and make his body whole again. Please continue with us as we continue on our journey.

Prayer Requests:


-Josh's fingers

-Consistent sleep

Posted on February 14, 2007 .