05/24/07 10:00 p.m.

So, lots of things have changed since my last post. As you know from my mom's post, Ephram is here!!! We are so excited to have him here with us and thankfully, out of my tummy! The last few days have been nothing but busyness and sleep deprivation. Little Ephram has his days and nights a little mixed up and we're working hard to get him on our schedule.  He seems to have a strong mind of his own and continues to sleep all day and want to look around all night. He is a total honey and is bringing us lots of joy and smiles.

Since losing Ava, both Josh and I have been relieved at how we have reacted to having a baby around the house again. We were not sure if we would be paralyzed by fear that something would happen or if we would react like normal parents with a normal amount of fear but still being able to function normally. We both feel like we are doing well with adjusting to having him around. We are much more aware of the dangers that surround our children (especially Ephram) but we know that God is watching out for our little guy.

Having the kids come up to the hospital on Monday night was priceless. Zoe was so exited, mouth covered and squealing, she came running into the room. Noah was interested for the first few seconds but then he was done. I was showing him Ephram's hands and he watched me pick up his hand and says, "Your fingers work?"  The next question was "Your legs work?" It became obvious very quickly that he thought me going to the hospital meant coming home in a wheelchair like daddy. It was so sad, yet so sweet and endearing. It was so nice to be able to explain to him that I would be home in 2 days with Ephram and that mommy would come home walking.

Both kids have loved holding him and kissing all over him. Zoe picked him up by herself for the first time today (we discouraged that very quickly), thankfully she did a good job. She always wants to give him his pacifier and sit next to me while he eats. She is being a wonderful big sister.  Noah is still not too interested. He likes saying he has a little brother and then going back outside to swing.

Josh is able to hold Ephram with the Boppy around his waist. The Boppy is a circular pad that goes around your stomach and lets Ephram lay on his lap while being very secure. Right now, that is about all he can do with him, but he enjoys what he can. He also likes to take the fingers with feeling and rub Ephram's  smooth baby cheeks.

Josh has not gone to therapy this week because of the way things worked around here. He was up at the hospital all day on Monday while Ephram was in the process of greeting us and Wednesday, he stayed home to welcome mommy and Ephram home from the hospital.

Tomorrow we start back on normal days with Josh heading back to therapy, getting up and ready for school, and Josh's mom being gone. She left this evening and was a huge help with Josh, turning him during the night and getting him ready for bed. Please be praying that we can get everything done that everyone needs, that Ephram starts sleeping at night and that the kids continue to do well. nighty-night.

Prayer Requests:


-Energy and a good attitude in taking care of our family

-Ephram's sleep schedule

Posted on May 24, 2007 and filed under "Ephram born".