4/8/07 10:50 p.m.

Happy Easter! What an exciting day we had today! Before I talk about today, let me back up to yesterday.

The day started with lots of packing and the perfect number of hands for the job. We were not sure if no one would show up or too many show up, and it turned out great. Not too many that we got in each other's way, enough to get the job done in a little under 5 hours total. Thank you to all who came and helped! I stayed home in the morning to "help" although everyone kept telling me to sit down and take it easy- I'm pregnant, not sick! I went up to see Josh around one o'clock and watched him lift weights for PT. He was done for the day at 1:30 so he had a short day.

We got ready and went to hang out with some friends- Brad and Sarah. It was a nice afternoon of coloring Easter eggs with our kids and their two kids and eating some pizza. Pretty relaxed and the kids were all very good. It was nice to just hang out as families and have a sense of normalcy. By the end of the evening, I was exhausted and Josh was still rarin' to go, but the pregnant wife's desires won and we headed back to MFB.

We arrived back and I had every intention of updating the blog (here are my excuses coming...) but when we arrived back to the room my computer had gone missing. Now, I was convinced I had left it in the room and was afraid it was stolen. If you've ever spent time up at MFB you know it is not a hospital where people are roaming the halls, looking for things to steal. Come to find out, I had a case of forgetfulness and had left my laptop, cell phone and both kids car seats at Brad and Sarah's. Seems like my mind is not working so well these days.

Today, Josh had his first chance to sleep in since arriving at MFB. There was no therapy today so he did not get up until about 10:00 and loved it. We got ready and headed over to my parents for our family time together. Josh's parents spent the night at my parents house with the kids so everyone was there, along with Jay and Holly and all their kids. We at a huge meal, had an Easter Egg Hunt and had some time to just be together. It was nice. I was a little down and had a small meltdown, but all went well otherwise. It's nice that even after everyone that has happened and our life that has seen major change, I still have my husband who can hold me when I cry. :-) Too bad I had to do it at the dessert table with everyone watching...

Josh loved watching the kids play and had a chance to watch a bit of the Masters Golf Tournament. We then headed back to MFB to get ready for our service with Greenhouse tonight.

After a long process of getting Josh into the church, we finally got to participate in our home church's service! It was so nice to be together with this group of people who mean so much to us and have been such a support system to us over the past almost 3 months. Josh talked for about 10ish minutes and got to share from his heart what God has been teaching us. For Josh to get in front of our church and talk was great. When the accident happened such a few short months ago, I would never have imagined him back up in front of church this quickly. God has been so amazing through this whole ordeal and I was so proud of him as he sat and shared from his heart. Even after over 11 years together, he still amazes me with his love for God and willingness to trust fully in him. Even during this ordeal, he has remained the spiritual head of our house.  I am so thankful to still have my husband, maybe not in the same way physically, but completely the same if not more so spiritually, emotionally and mentally. These are the things that will carry us through the times ahead that are beyond difficult and challenging.

We are getting ready for another big change as Josh is coming home to stay in 12 short days. We know it will be a huge adjustment. Please be praying for this time of transition and adjustment. Pray that Josh is able to handle all the emotional and physical changes without becoming depressed as we know is very common. Right now, we are sheltered at MFB and will soon be facing "real life" outside of the hospital bubble. Please pray that our new home feels like home quickly and that Josh does not miss our current home too much. He loves this house, the neighborhood, all the people coming and going, and the memories of Ava that this house holds. He has not really had a chance to say goodbye to it. He knows the boxes are packed and when he comes "home" it will be to a new house. We pray the transition goes smoothly.

Happy Easter once again, knowing that Christ's resurrection is why we have hope...

Prayer Requests:


-Smooth transitions as we get ready to leave MFB

-Stability for our kids as we move them to a new house and neighborhood and a daddy that is home again!

Posted on April 8, 2007 .