4/23/07 10:30 p.m.

Today was our first weekday home. I think it will turn out to be a typical day here at the Buck household. We woke up a few minutes before the nurse came to get Josh ready. I even had enough time to have a cup of coffee and read my Bible. Seemed like a miracle in itself. The kids got up and went straight outside in their pj's and I didn't even try and stop them. They played for a while before breakfast. Josh was ready for the day a few minutes past 9:30 which seems reasonable considering how long it takes to get him ready! We all had some toast and eggs and did a few chores around the house.

We then had a small lunch (considering breakfast was so late) and PT Kristy came over to do some problem-solving at the house. She showed me how to turn him in bed with a bit more ease and we worked on putting the sling under him while in the chair.

OT Jim was next to come and help with some more daily living difficulties. He made the refrigerator accessible to Josh which is very nice. He put some material on the remote for the lift so Josh can push the buttons while we push his body back in his wheelchair. We have to do this to get his behind (is this okay to write?) to the back of the chair so he doesn't slouch and fall out of his chair! We also worked at adding some splinting material to some glasses at home so he can try and drink on his own. It takes two hands to do this but it's possible.

My mom, sister and I spent a lot of time trying to get organized before the baby arrives. Because Zach and Rachel are living with us until August, we had to make some changes. It felt good to do a little nesting with lots of breaks in between tasks. We got quite a bit done and still have quite a bit to go.

Another thing we've been thinking about. Josh has had very poor eyesight since his was young. He has always been a contact lens wearer but has been unable to since the accident. He is stuck in his glasses that he is unable to put on by himself, clean or adjust with any ease. Most of the time when he tries to push them on his face, he smudges them so badly someone else needs to take them off and clean them. He has grown very tired of the glasses and me putting in his contacts is quite a joke. We have decided it may be worth it to pursue lasik. We did get one recommendation but maybe some of you have some suggestions of your own. My uncle referred me to his doctor, but he has not had the surgery performed yet. I would like to get a recommendation from someone who has already had the procedure done. If this is you or you know of someone, we would really appreciate the info!

Josh had, what I would consider to be, a good day. He has not had any major bouts of sadness today or major frustration. Days like today are encouraging when his spirits are level and he has the emotional energy to face the day. Please pray for continued days like this.

I am going to sign off with what was a huge encouragement to me this morning. I happened upon Romans 8 where it is talking about life through the spirit. Verses 10 and 11 state "But if Christ in in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you."  These verses speak to the core of where we are at right now. The promises in these verses are more real than ever...

Prayer Requests:


-Josh's fingers and triceps

-Emotional and physical stability as we get used to our new life right now

Posted on April 23, 2007 .