3/18/07 5:30 p.m.

Very slow day for us. Josh just got done watching a movie while I snoozed for almost 2 hours! It was glorious! The kids already came up today and are probably heading off to church as we speak.  They were very excited to see G & G Buck for a little bit (going to the play McDonald's made them even more so). Josh is now watching his favorite basketball team in the whole world (Kentucky) play Kansas and he's enjoying himself.  Church will soon be broadcast over the internet and he says he will be watching both at the same time. And he calls himself a Christian!!! :-)

Josh had a good day of therapy.  A ton of weight lifting and time on the bike that is arm controlled. He enjoys this kind of working out.  He used a new weight machine that he backs his wheelchair into and the handles are right around the level of his handlebars.  He could do a lot of shoulder exercises and back exercises that will help him build muscle so that he can shift himself in his chair.  This will help also with pressure relief so that he doesn't get any pressure sores (a.k.a. bed sores). He needs to build up enough strength to move around in his chair with ease.

As Josh was finishing up on the bike he really starting pushing himself at the end, pedaling with his arms as fast as he could go and feeling the burn.  When he got done and we were on our way upstairs, he was a little frustrated saying that the last minute on the bike made him miss running and reminded him of  the last few minutes in a long run where he would really push himself.  We continue to pray that God will heal his body and allow Josh the privilege of running again.  We continue to wait on his timing.

Please pray for us as we are starting to actively seek out a place to possibly build.  More than anything, we would love it if EMHE came through, but we don't want to wait too long. So, we start looking and seeing the land in GR is very limited.  Please pray that God is very revealing on what he would have us to do.  Right now the plan is for Josh to get out of here in about 5 weeks and heading home to our house. This is not a long term solution.  He will have access to the main floor only, no bathroom, and will be sleeping in the dining room. The timing is becoming more and more of a pressure so please pray for this situation. We know how much prayer has done so far so I thought I'd throw out another request! Thanks!

Prayer Requests:


-building and location issues

-Josh's triceps

Posted on March 18, 2007 .