A Much Needed Post

So, Josh's computer has been in the shop for over two weeks so this post is long overdue. Much has been going on in the past few weeks.

We had a party in the park for the community of Eastown. It was an absolute blast and we really saw God working. For the party we ordered one of those bungee runs and Josh had a little accident. :0) The bruise is from the bungee cord breaking away and smacking his leg. The bruise was from the back of his knee to almost his butt. It was disgusting (the pic is a little graphic but I couldn't resist!).

A few days ago I woke up to the sound of sirens
at about 7:15. It sounded really close, like right next door, so I decided to investigate. Low and behold, a car had made it's way into our neighbor's house (ours is the one to the left). Woopsie poopsie. :-) I woke Josh up who went over and took pics on the "down low" (we thought taking pics might seem a bit insensitive but I had to put this into blog-land). Everyone was fine and the car only got the foundation and outside of the house.

Last but not least, certainly not least. I peed on a stick. The stick is mine. It's a pregnancy test. I took 3 of them. They were all positive. It's official. We're having a baby!!! Josh and I are beyond ecstatic. My due date is still a long way off - june 17 to be exact. I'm barely even sick yet. I know we are telling people a bit early but I was hoping you could all pray circles around this little poppy seed otherwise known as our baby.

So, you wonder how this makes us feel in regards to ava? A few things to note: it is a bit bittersweet. A new life is being formed and we cannot get back the one we lost. God has given this little person to us for the time being, and we pray that it is for a longer time than the last. Only God knows his plans and that is a little scary to accept. It's when I don't remember that God loves my kids more than me that it's scary. Does that make any sense? In some ways, I am a bit hesitant to use the stuff with a new baby that Ava used. Ava was the third in line and we used all the same things with Noah and Zoe. The shortness of breath, the ache in my heart, and all of the like is hard when I see the bouncy seat, the car seat, or the new high chair we got specifically for her but she was never big enough to use. I did warn Josh that this baby may be a bit more expensive cause we are going to need some new stuff. I need to keep those things for Ava because I never want to lose the specialness of them. I don't want them to become "just" the bouncy seat or "just" the car seat. I also hope this baby can share a few of the things that were Ava's, be it a blanket or an outfit that Ava wore- depending on the sex of the baby.

All to say, that yes it's a blessing and yes, it's bittersweet. The day after we found out, a girl at church asked me if it was bittersweet, and I said no. I have since changed my mind. After a week and a half of processing, we are just as excited for this new little life, but more aware of what we have lost. Our sweet little Ava and our sweet new little baby.

God is good.
Posted on October 19, 2006 .